Leaders in our club and our community
The strength of the Rotary Club of Tupelo can be seen in the leadership team. Officers and board members for 2023-24 include, back row from left, Rob Rice, Director; Amanda Angle, Immediate Past President; Bill Dickerson, President; Josh Sullivan, Satellite Chair; John Curlee, Treasurer, and Vaughn Howell, Director; front row from left, Melissa Harrison, Secretary; Shelley Russell, Vice President; jenny Jones, Executive Secretary; Janice Trawick, Executive Treasurer; and Julianne Goodwin, Director.  Not Pictured:  Chase McPherson, Director

Here is why we exist . . . .

The Tupelo Rotary Club is a chartered club of Rotary International, and was formed in 1925. The club is comprised of approximately 130 business and civic leaders from throughout Tupelo and Greater Lee County. Our club meets each Monday at noon at the Calvary Baptist Church Family Ministry Center on Main Street in Tupelo.

Through membership dues, members of the Rotary Club of Tupelo support a host of projects that are meant to improve the lives of people everywhere, from our own backyard to the ends of the earth. Some ways the Rotary Club of Tupelo leads the community in service to our fellow man:

  • by establishing Northeast Mississippi’s kidney dialysis program
  • with immunization records for all newborn infants
  • by supporting summer reading with the Lee County Library
  • by engaging others in city beautification projects during 10 for Tupelo
  • with highest accolades for scholars who distinguish themselves academically
  • with recognition for Student of the Year in the Tupelo Public School District and the Lee County School District
  • with conference sponsorships to develop student leaders
  • by creating global understanding through youth study exchange and Rotary Scholars program
  • by providing medical supplies and health information to those who need it most and can afford it least
  • by honoring Native American heritage
  • by practicing diversity and not just talking about it
  • by honoring our veterans at Tupelo’s Veterans’ Park
  • by reaching out to provide clean water to people in Honduras and Ghana
  • by bringing smiles to children with cleft palates
  • by committing to eradicate polio worldwide in this generation
  • by extending a hand through dozens of local and regional organizations to touch the daily lives of those in need
  • by joining your efforts to transform every corner of our world to be a place of happiness, peace and joy

You, too, can make a difference in your community and world. To join Rotary, see any club member or leader for more information., or send us an email at info@tupelorotary.com